#10 Season 1 Round Up: Your questions answered on sugar, cravings, emotional eating and more.

Season #1 Episode #10

Can you believe it's the close of Season 1 already? We sure can't! This journey has been incredible so far and we are so grateful to you for listening and dedicating your precious time to being a part of this podcast. To honour you and our growing community, we've decided to wrap up each season answering your questions that we receive throughout the season. Of course we can't get to them all on air, but we've chosen three we thought would help the most people. These are: How to manage after-dinner sugar cravings How to manage stress and emotional eating How to put our 'all food is allowed' principal into action with practical tips around frequency, portion size and more. PLUS a sneak peek into what to look forward to in August with Season 2! Links and resources: Find our Fill your cup sheet to assist with emotional eating https://www.dropbox.com/home/Kami/Nourish%20Nurture%20Breathe/Season%201/Nourish%20Nurture%20Breathe%20Listener%20Resources/Ep%2010%20-%20Your%20questions%20answered (here). For more about us, check out our websites: Christie: http://www.christieleenutrition.com.au/ (www.christieleenutrition.com.au) Kami: http://www.thismumskitchen.com/ (www.thismumskitchen.com) Follow us on Instagram and Facebook: https://www.instagram.com/nourishnurturebreathe/?hl=en (@nourishnurturebreathe) https://www.instagram.com/thismumskitchen/?hl=en (@thismumskitchen) https://www.instagram.com/christieleenutrition/?hl=en (@christieleenutrition)   As mentioned in our episode, click here to check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJuGHgt1M7w (Christieā€™s favourite comedian) which she uses as a wonderful pick-me-up activity to do instead of non-hungry eating. We can't wait to come back to you in August with more heart-centred, science-based episodes. In the meantime, make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you're the first to know once we're back online and take the time to catch up on any episodes you've missed. And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating and a review on https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/nourish-nurture-breathe/id1515274547 (Apple podcasts) and/or on our https://www.facebook.com/nourishnurturebreathe/ (Facebook page.) Itā€™ll help us appear in searches and help more women and families learn, feel empowered and supported through this community.