#11 Preparing for pregnancy: The first 1000 days and ‘Trimester X’

Season #2 Episode #11

This podcast episode is all about preparing for pregnancy holistically, putting you, your partner and your future babies at the top of your list and giving yourself the permission, knowledge and understanding to love into this journey of parenthood and beyond. You’ll learn: What the first 1000 days is all about and why it’s important Explore Kami’s concept of Trimester X and how setting yourself up to thrive is a lifestyle choice not unique to pre-conception or pregnancy A brief overview of diet and lifestyle tips for fertility and pre-conception How ‘off the plate’ topics also play a key role PLUS, a look into epigenetics and that incredible window of opportunity at our fingertips in helping to determine the future health of our children. Links and resources: Check out Kami’s blog on https://www.thismumskitchen.com/blog/welcome-to-trimester-x (Trimester X here) for more on that concept and how to start setting yourself up to thrive today. Here is the link to the https://kamiramini.juiceplus.com.au/buy/capsules/omega-blend (Vegan omega supplements) Kami takes daily and recommends. Please reach out to Kami if you’d like more info on these or go ahead and order online. https://www.lifespaceprobiotics.com/en/shop/baby-and-toddler-health/probiotic-powder-for-baby/probiotic-powder-for-baby-60g/?utm_source=Google%20Shopping&utm_campaign=Manual%20Feed%2029%20Juy%2019%20V2&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=301&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6575BRCQARIsAMp-ksPmQ0bQ-aS3by1XFPDh1fwO9GrIDtjO3mVqn_ZeeDcx6oF4IVgyYzQaAmirEALw_wcB (Here is the link to the study) on HN001 L. Rhamnosus Christie mentioned. To purchase a copy of What to Eat: A Specialist Guide to Fertility and Pregnancy please get in touch with Kami at [email protected] and mention this podcast for a special price of $25. For more about us, check out our websites: Christie: http://www.christieleenutrition.com.au (www.christieleenutrition.com.au) Kami: http://www.thismumskitchen.com (www.thismumskitchen.com) Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourishnurturebreathe/?hl=en (@nourishnurturebreathe) https://www.instagram.com/thismumskitchen/?hl=en (@thismumskitchen) https://www.instagram.com/endometriosis.dietitian/?hl=en (@endometriosis.dietitian)   Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of our upcoming episodes. We’ll be uploading a new one every week. And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating and a review on https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/nourish-nurture-breathe/id1515274547 (Apple podcasts) and/or on our https://www.facebook.com/nourishnurturebreathe/ (Facebook page.) It’ll help us appear in searches and help more women and families learn, feel empowered and supported through this community. Thank you so much and we really hope you enjoy this episode and feel inspired to listen into some others too. We’ve got some really exciting episodes lined up for you in Season 2 and can’t wait to be back with you next week with Christie’s first solo episode!